
So I’m 90 Years Old

We can cross “tangible skill” off the Bucket List, because I officially know how to be a 90 year old woman.

Over the last week, I’ve learned how to knit and make candles – in fact, here’s Todd enjoying the lovely lavender-scented one I created earlier in the week.

The cat adds to the beautiful "old lady" vibe I'm going for.
The cat adds to the beautiful “old lady” vibe I’m going for.

I’ve also been keeping up with my guitar lessons, but I definitely wouldn’t claim to have mastered any part of those yet.

This week has been great – helping with a lot of business wins, settling into my role, seeing friends, and continuing to explore my personal journey into unknown territory. Feeling happier, healthier, and more fulfilled every day. I just still miss my old work buds like crazy. A Friday isn’t a Friday without Dave’s Casual Friday t-shirt, or Black Cock with the creative team (calm down, it’s a liquor I bought in Thailand).

In any case, my new hobbies should help me make a dent in all this insane debt we’ve incurred over the last few months. Between the scooter, a new bed set, and my surgery… shit ain’t cheap.

Oh dear. Now I really may be a 90 year old woman.

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